Monday, December 27, 2004

I can't believe I'm writing this.

This weekend, I watched The Return of the King, Extended Edition with the male members of my family. This was a bit of an event, I guess, because it was probably the last time I'd be watching brand new scenes of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. And since it's been a year or so now, I was pretty excited. I love the books, I love Tolkien's sick attention to detail, and the films make me cry like a stupid little baby.


This time, for the first time ever...and maybe it's just 'cause I was tired and all mellowed-out from a long Christmas family get together...this time, while watching the movie, I didn't totally love every fucking second of it. The acting, the all seemed a little ridiculous and overly dramatic and, honestly, I was having a little trouble getting into it. I felt like...most of the girls I know.

Now I know it's not that big of a deal, that everything must pass and that people grow and change, but still! A couple of years ago, I constantly found myself having in-depth, 2:30 am arguments about Elves, and Morgoth, and the light of the Valar, and hey whatever happened to Radagast? And probably half of those conversations even involved other people.

And even while watching the film this weekend, about halfway in (I think by hour 3 or so) I was back in full-effect and loving every moment fully and truly and deeply and all that. Yet, I knew what I'd felt and I couldn't totally enjoy the movie 'cause I felt a little guilty or changed or something. What's going on? Does this mean I'm becoming cooler? More socially acceptable? I haven't seen You've Got Mail yet and I wasn't really planning on it, but does this mean I should now because I'll probably love it?



Anonymous said...

What? Lord of the Rings was on? Oh...I'm sorry...I ws having sex with a girl;);)

christopher said...


Anonymous said...

no, silly, your ex-girlfriend;)

christopher said...


Anonymous said...

uh...hello? Girls? Anyone?

Stefan said...

Well, I'm going to watch it this afternoon...after which we'll see. I was all weepy in the theaters (especially during Faramir's ride on Osgiliath, with all that beautiful hobbit singing), but we'll see! Maybe I've turned into a cool dude too. But considering I'm a mushy mess around Christmas, who knows...

christopher said...

Alex and I saw ROTK last year at some sneak-preview premiere showing. And when the movie ended, the first thing we started joking about was that last, stupid, bedroom scene, where the entire freaking cast comes to laugh and jump on the bed.

We thought Saruman should have come too, quietly apologize, and then jump on the bed a little bit and snuggle. A couple of the Nazgul would be there too, and Gandalf would pet the head of one of the flying wormy beasts, and everyone would laugh, and laugh, and laugh.