Tuesday, December 14, 2004

My Brand New Pyramid Scheme

In case you were interested, this is NOT why I'm pushing Tivo so much, but they have a rewards program where you get 5,000 points if you refer someone to Tivo.

Compare that to another facet of the Tivo rewards program, where you get 1 point for every dollar spent on your Tivo Mastercard.

And if you want that Tivo Laptop Bag as badly as I do, all you have to do is refer two people, and its yours! Or, in the actually worthwhile gifts department, 20,000 points gets you a free iPod! Awesome!

So if you want to sign up for Tivo, and you probably should want to, maybe you should mention that az3456@hotmail.com sent you.

I mean, you don't have to.

But you should.