Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Patriotism! For Kids!

If you have a couple of minutes (don't we all) take a visit over to the White House Kids Page. To their credit, the folks who put this site together actually seem to have a decent sense of humor.

They have:

The Barney Interactive Archive, where Barney the White House Terrier "answers" questions.

Weekly Polls that mention snausages whenever possible.

A Quizzes & Games section, featuring The Freedom Timeline Quiz. I only got 50% right, but I did learn that I can help the cause of freedom today by being alert, staying informed, and being brave.

On a side note, my spell-checker wanted to replace snausages with synagogues.


Anonymous said...

It's just too bad they took down the "Tsunami" game on the FEMA site (formerly at http://www.fema.gov/kids/games/tsunami/), where you had to replace objects that were moved in the disaster. Floating body parts were not included.