Friday, April 22, 2005


More like, SuperGay! Nah, kidding.

This is the first pic of Brandon Routh in the Superman costume, from Superman Returns, and I think he looks as good as you can expect from an actual human being in a really stupid looking suit.

On a related note, I was strangely weirded out after seeing a poster for Batman Begins outside a movie theater... Even though I've been following the production, seen the trailers, etc, the idea that a new Batman movie is actually coming out is just very unnerving.

I guess I secretly thought they would just give up forever after Batman & Robin. Or maybe its because Batman was such a seminal part of my childhood, what with my parents being slain in front of me, and then assuming the mantel of a vengeful creature of the night.

Oh, one last note: After spell-checking this entry, the only correction I got was that maybe "Batman" should be spelled, "Bateman." And Patrick Bateman was Christian Bale's character in American Psycho! OMG!!!