Friday, May 27, 2005

EL in the New York Times

I'm a little drunk right now, so please forgive me any spelling errors. BUT, Elephant Larry is in today's (Friday's) New York Times. Go to the Weekend section, and check listings for a whole blurb/picture combo.

In the meantime, you can check out this link, or if you don't have a Times login, check out the text below. I should have a scan up by Monday:

ELEPHANT LARRY "We pursue understanding beyond the limitations of existing knowledge, ideology and disciplinary structure," the mission statement of Cornell University says, and five of its former students seem to have absorbed that methodology, in a fun-house-mirror sort of way. The five, who met at the campus and are now in their mid-20's, constitute the sketch-comedy troupe Elephant Larry, and they have been selling out "Boom," their Saturday night show at the People's Improv Theater, since early April with a hilarious multimedia mix of the deadpan and the maniacal. The sketches call to mind, variously, Monty Python, Kids in the Hall and Second City, yet they don't feel like knockoffs. Perhaps that's because they ricochet fearlessly from subtly savvy to aggressively lowbrow. In the latter category are a sketch in which Frankenstein's monster makes his own monster and another called "Goblins America" with the troupe in ridiculous masks, singing a ribald song to the tune of "God Bless America." Geoff Haggerty, who founded Elephant Larry three years ago with Chris Principe, Jeff Solomon, Stefan Lawrence and Alexander Zalben, said that "Goblins," like much of the troupe's material, came about through serendipity: somebody made a reference to the patriotic song, somebody else misheard him, and by the time the riffing was done they had a sketch. As for the subtle stuff, Mr. Principe and Mr. Haggerty (above in goggles with Mr. Solomon, left; Mr. Zalben, with bucket; and Mr. Lawrence) show a knack for respecting the audience's intelligence with a droll sketch in which they are 19th-century fellows who can't remember what year it is; the references they drop will wake up all those brain cells that have been dormant since your high school history final. Oh, and don't expect much time to catch your breath during "Boom": the quintet covers its costume changes with nutty film clips. (People's Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street; (212) 563-7488.) NEIL GENZLINGER


Dad said...

i rarely post. my effluence is not up to the humor standards that this forum dictates. BUT! I am posting now to say congratugoddamnlations. That is a great piece and you all deserved it.

Anonymous said...


Get on it, Stefan. I want an EL poster with that reflects how nutty you are.

Congrats on the kick-ass once again.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Well deserved!

Anonymous said...

You guys rocked this weekend! The New York Times was totally right! My friends and I went to your show to celebrate my birthday! Thanks for a great time.

Geoffrey said...

Thank YOU for coming, Anonymous! Hope to see you at future shows...

Anonymous said...

It is impossible to see anonymous at future shows - cause if you do he ceases to exist as such. Do you wish to annihilate all those who tell you how much you helped them enjoy their birthdays?

Geoffrey said... that a problem?