Saturday, May 21, 2005

Star Wars III Review!

Hey gang, we all went to see Star Wars 3 last night! I'm sure the rest of the guys will want to blog about it, but I got so fired up I thought I'd give you my capsule review:

Awful. Absolutely, completely awful. Also, terrible. And bad.

Okay, tune back later to get everybody else's thoughts!


Stefan said...

Wow, Alex. Harsh! Capsule review:

Some horrible, cringe-worthy moments, but overall rising to my lowered expectations to basically satisfy me. I had a lot of fun.

Though somehow Lucas has managed to make every robot totally ridiculous and silly in every frame. Maternity robots? Oooooba? I mean, come on.

Geoffrey said...

I totally disagree. I thought "Return of the Jedi" was good!

HA! Get it? Cuz that was the third one released. Sigh.