Tuesday, June 21, 2005

To Those Dudes Who Shout At Me All The Time:

Yesterday marked the fourth occasion in the past two months that a random guy from around the city has shouted "Elephant Larry! WOOO!" at me, and then walked away quickly.

A) Thank you, it's very flattering.

B) I'd be happy to chat with you if you'd stop running away after shouting at me. My name is Alex, random dudes, and I want to be your friend!

C) Other people: this is not an attempt to show you how awesome and popular I am. But, if that's a side-effect? Fantastic.


Chris Serico said...

Elephant Larry! WOOO!

Anonymous said...


(ya gotta stay annonymous, brian)

Chris Serico said...

But I don't, evidently.

Elephant Larry! WOOO!

christopher said...

Not sure if this is included in your struggle with newfound fame, but my friend e-mailed me today saying that she recognized you from across the street and started waving at you excitedly, before realizing that you might not actually know her.


Alex said...

Oops! Where did she see me? I might not have had my glasses on...

Anonymous said...

What's really weird is that since you guys performed in Portland last year, we've all been getting the "Elephant Larry Woooooo!". So I guess we're popular by association. Yay! Popular!

I'm going to cry now.