Thursday, October 27, 2005

SO Famous

My two friends Elayna & Sean are in town this week from California visiting New York City for the first time. They are extremely excited to be here, as they have seen a lot of New York City on television and are itching to see Times Square, Grand Central, real New York City policeman and the whole bit. As an added benefit, they’ll be able to catch our Halloween Boom this weekend, and I always like it when I have friends in town and they can catch our show. Like, “this is what I do with most of my time!”

So I met them after they had dinner at John’s Pizzeria (not on my recommendation! Though I would have suggested it had they asked…favorite pizza place in the city) and rode home with them on the subway. Upon exiting the train in Park Slope, a girl we were walking next to looked at me and said “Aren’t you in Elephant Larry?” To which I replied, yes, yes I am. And then I thanked her for doing that in front of my out-of-town friends because it makes me look like some sort of totally famous rockstar. Of course, I then reassured my friends that I am in fact not that famous at all and that this never happens to me (because it doesn’t). Still, it was fun, and my friends were tickled.

Then this morning, I got up a little early with the Californians so that they could get to their Showbiz Insider’s Bus Tour (at the end of which they meet a Real Broadway Entertainer). And as we arrived on the subway platform, a man right behind us says “Hey, Elephant Larry, right? I saw you guys at the Brick.”

Now this is just ridiculous. Not only does this never happen to me, it certainly doesn’t happen twice in twelve hours. I mean, it’s awesome, but really.

Now there’s no convincing my friends that I’m not Ultra Mega Famous.