Monday, February 06, 2006

Party Hard!

So Biz told me that she had a surprise for me on Sunday night at 11 o'clock. She wouldn't tell me what it was, though she did insist on making me ask for hints so it would seem much more mysterious. I was quite excited. I like surprises. I'm just like that. We head into the East Village round 10:30 or so and she leads me to the Two Boots Pioneer Theater, where it turns out that it's totally a premiere of Andrew WK's new tour documentary, "Who Knows?" I like that my girl totally knows me well enough that she knows to take me to and Andrew WK movie. I was very very excited about this, especially after she mentioned the following key fact:

Andrew WK was going to make an appearance.

Just to backtrack a little, I am a big Andrew WK fan. I realize that he is probably totally out of his mind, but he does make some of the most positive, rocking ANTHEMS that I have ever heard. I love the fact that all really wants you to do is have the best time you can possibly have and rock as hard as you possibly can and live the best life possible. It's all very power of positive thinking but, you know, with two drum sets and three lead guitarists. You can't really go wrong. I've been to five Andrew WK shows and they've all been pretty awesome. Friendliest mosh pits in the world.

That said, this documentary was really fricking weird. It was mostly concert footage (including some from the Irving Plaza show I was at in 2003), intercut with what seemed to be bizarre tributes to Japanese horror movies: lots of grainy, desaturated images of corners of rooms, soundtracked with weird breathing noises, screaming and clipped, surreal dialogue, ostensibly about Andrew WK's life. So there'd be all this hard-rocking out, followed by total weirdness. The final clip in the film was an image of Andrew WK pulling himself out from behind a sofa, and the walking like the girl from the Ring out onto the street. Just as I was getting a little fidgety, Biz nudges me - and I notice that Andrew WK himself is ring-walking down the aisle of the theater. When he gets to the front, he flips on a small light and performs a harpsichord piece with no vocals. It lasts about three minutes, after which he switches off the light, and quickly exits. It was very bizarre and surreal, but much like the ending sketch to Fearsome's Key Video, it made all the weirdness a bit more worth it. Not entirely, but partially, anyway. I was hoping that he'd then be out in the lobby saying hi to people, but as it was about 12:30 or so at night and I was exhausted from an earlier bout of Really Intense Touch Football that left me and Biz totally broken, we decided to not wait around to see if he would come out.

So to sum up, totally rocking/crazy bizarre experience. Also, these two drugged-out kids in the front row got into a fight and left. It was hot.


N K said...

I like that I know you well enough to know that this was your post by the title alone. When are we going to make out?