Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Strange But True and Probably Exhausting

I am not allowed to disclose why I'm doing this (honestly I'm not, though it's for a good reason), but as part of an interesting "creative project," I've been asked to walk the perimeter of Manhattan island next Wednesday. I'm starting at 6 AM and will probably finish sometime that night. I believe it's 34 miles all the way around.

I'm very excited about this.

Wish I could explain more about it, but I still think/hope the awesomeness of this translates well without any backstory.


Caitlin Bee said...

bring an extra pair of shoes to change half-way through. If you do not have appropiate shoes- bring a change of socks.

swear to god!

Anonymous said...

How do you define the northern perimter of this walk?

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Good question indeed! I will have to ask the organizer and get back to you.

Alex said...

In a strange coincidence, I'm going to spend all day next Wednesday driving around the perimeter of Manhattan in my knife-car.

Anonymous said...

Answer! The top will be the Harlem River. We're walking all the way up to Inwood. So really, the whole island.

Anonymous said...

Don't take this as an insult. But I seriously doubt that you will find yourself able to walk 34 miles in a day even over flat level well-maintained ground.

Hiking with a backpack on, 10 - 15 miles / 24 hours is the target of an aggressive, experienced person.

Even without a backpack, and not on a trail, it's going to catch up with you really badly after about hour 8, and things will go wrong. I can almost guarantee an injury, if we're including sprains and blisters.

Color me concerned. But I think it will be fun and interesting and not permanently debilitating!

Anonymous said...

Wait, are you doing the "Great Saunter"? (worth a Google.)

Anonymous said...

In 2002, I participated in THON, which is the largest student-run charity event in the world. A 48-hour dance marathon, where the dancing is not strictly enforced, but the no-sitting and no-sleeping rules are, and somehow it raises $4 millon for children with cancer. I mention it because I did it in 2002, and survived, and some of the advice I was given for that probably applies to you:

Eat pasta for dinner the night before. Yes, have an extra pair of shoes. Yes, extra pairs of socks. Eat pasta for dinner the night before. And not to be creepy, but for reasons that may or may not be obvious, this is important: WEAR BRIEFS. HOLY GOODNESS, WEAR BRIEFS.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the advice/concern, Nate/Colin!

I'm not doing the Great Saunter, but the person in charge of this thing I'm doing did use the Great Saunter's guidebook for reference.

Abby Scott said...

Good Lord.

How did this turn out?

And I can only assume that the back story involves a dare that, if you complete it, will save the baseball field from developers.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Sorry. To clarify, it's this coming Wednesday, the 22nd, so nuttin's happened yet. I'll take pictures, though! Hopefully.