Tuesday, March 07, 2006

What's Worser Than Worse?

1. Breaking up with your girlfriend over e-mail.

2. Sending an e-mail to all of your girlfriend's friends, and then breaking up with your girlfriend at the end of that e-mail.

3. Writing an e-mail to all of your girlfriend's friends, in which you break up with her at the end of the e-mail, but before you send it out, having your girlfriend proof-read the e-mail to see whether it's funny or not.

4. Writing a blog post about an e-mail that you theoretically might send to all of your girlfriend's friends in which you break up with her, and theoretically have her proof read it, and then actually breaking up with her in the blog post.

I'm going to go with 2, 4, 3, 1; going from worst to least worst.


Alex said...

Just to explain, this is a joke I was making with Marni, my girlfriend. I am not breaking up with Marni.

Alex said...

However, breaking up with your girlfriend in the comments section of a blog post you made about a theoretical e-mail in which you broke up with her in front of all of her friends would DEFINITELY jump to the top of my list.

Geoffrey said...

Hey dude, could I get Marni's numbe-...oh.

Never mind.