Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Two Years

Today is the second anniversary of my first day at my current job. While I have held one job about three months longer (as a sacristan at my church working six hour days once a week), this is the longest I've ever been at a 9-5, by a magnitude of 8.

Things I have learned:

-I don't like 9-5 jobs.

-9 is too early to be working.

-5 is too late to be working.

-8 hours is too many hours in a row to be working.

-psychology is fine.

-naps should really, really be scheduled in as an acceptable part of the workday. I am serious about that. I believe they do that in Japan or something. Anyway, some union crusader has to make this happen.

-I would be severely, pleasantly surprised if there were a 9-5 job I ever liked.


Anonymous said...

just wait till you upgrade to the 8-6 job. With no lunch break. No pay raise . Oh yeah. You have it lucky now.