Monday, May 15, 2006

Unpopular Opinion

I actually kinda like that "Lovely Lady Lumps" Black-Eyed Peas song.

I think it is totally fine to dance to, and I don't understand why everyone hates it so much. Admittedly, the title is a bit gross, and I'm not sure what it refers to exactly. But why so much Haterade?

Fierce MELON Haterade.


Anonymous said...

Global Warming, Geoff...Global Warming has made us HATE Fergie. The same way that Biz has made us HATE Burger King.

(PS That's an inside joke for those that read Princess Pony Party Amazing).

Jonathan Harford said...

Any song with the line "lovely lady lumps" is alright by me.

...though I can not approve of all incarnations of this song (see

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous,

I think you meant "That's an inside joke for those that ride the Pony."

Dammmmn, how I have been waiting for an excuse to use that phrase, and you had your chance there, and you really blew it.

Also, though I agree with Biz 100%, I hated Burger King already. Because I hate America. So much.