Thursday, June 22, 2006

Celluloid: A Night of Short Film's

Look, I'll be honest with you: We're not going to be there tonight. We have a very important meeting.

BUT, our good friend Jack Kukoda, who is hilarious, is hosting this night of short films and funny people.

Jack, who is hilarious, has asked us to show two shorts, so we'll be doing that.

So you should go. But we can't go. We have a very important meeting.

Time: 7:00pm
Cost: Free!

@ Otto's Shrunken Head
538 E. 14th St.
New York , NY

We may stop by later, though, because we like Otto's Shrunken Head. And good old hilarious Jack.

!!!IMPORTANT UPDATE!!! I just got word that the acts for tonight's show include Trophy Dad, Sara Schaefer, Jon Friedman, and more. That sounds like a kick-ass show to me.


Anonymous said...

What's the meeting about?

Alex said...

Stefan's alcoholism. It's a surprise intervention. Shhh!