Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Father!

It's my Dad's birthday! I knew he could do it. He just had to believe in himself.

I've always liked my Dad's birthday. January 23rd. 1/23. Ya can't beat that.

If I were him, I would wish I would have been born in 1945. That way, his birthday could have been 1/23/45. As it is, I'm glad he was NOT born then, because if he was, it undoubtedly would have changed the events of history drastically and I might not have been born at all. Best case, half my genes would be hanging out in Staten Island and the other half in Brooklyn, with my Mom.*

Which is actually a fairly accurate division of my time. Ya can't fool genes, man. Ya just can't.

*This is assuming, of course, that my Dad's being six years older than he is would have caused my mother to not move to Staten Island lo those many years ago. Which is a pretty safe assumption, I'd say.


Anonymous said...

My dad is dead. Thanks Geoff. Thanks a lot. And congratulations on your dad not being dead.