Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Wheel! Of! Fortune!

There's an article about Wheel of Fortune on cnn.com today, and that's as good an excuse as any to divulge my deep love for this show.

I don't know when it's on in your region, but it's always been on at 7:30 here in NY. I can think of no better way to lead into prime time than with the dumbest idea for a game show imaginable. Like they say in the article, it's Hangman with prizes. Let me take back dumbest and say it's the simplest idea for a game show imaginable. It's clearly not dumb, as it's been on for 32 years.

Basically all you have to do to play Wheel of Fortune is be able to reach down, spin a two ton wheel (two tons!), clap and shout letters. You also need to know the difference between consonants and vowels, which is not always a given.

In conclusion, Jeopardy is good for trivia and Price is Right is glitzy, but if you're just getting home from work and in the mood to shout some letters, there's nothing better than Wheel of Fortune.

Theeeeeeeeeeeee end.


Chris Serico said...

Chris Serico: "For that last line, I'd like to buy a vowel, Geoff."

Geoffrey Haggerty: "Which vowel, Chris?"

Chris Serico: "An 'E.'"

Geoffrey Haggerty: "Wow, there are 14 E's."