Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fabulous Extinction

So some of you may have seen the posters around for "Resident Evil: Extinction," the latest in the movie series that I guess somebody is watching or they wouldn't keep making them. In any case, they feature Milla Jovavich standing in front of a ruined Las Vegas, like this:

Look at the sign, closely, however, and you'll see that it is welcoming you to "fantastic" Las Vegas, not, as the sign actually reads, to "fabulous" Las Vegas:

Notice also that they've changed the shapes around the letters that read "welcome." What gives, poster designer? Did the word "fabulous" sound too gay for your zombie horror film?


Jodi said...

This is interesting- they even changed the blue part (it's...notched? Thinner? Not blue?) and the star. I looked to see if the sign's design was copyrighted or something, but it's in the public domain. Wikipedia Fast Fact: the round shapes the letters are (supposed to be) in are silver dollars.

Alex said...

1) I'm the guy who's watching this series!

2) I'm going to guess the sign is different because Resident Evil takes place in a parallel universe where zombies have taken over.

Stefan said...

Did the zombies take over before 1959? Because that's when the sign was created.

Honestly, it smacks of lazy 3D modeling on the part of whoever was making this -- they didn't even bother to match the right fonts on the sign -- just using Brush Script for "fantastic" instead of the font that it actually is, that I can't remember right now.

david hayes said...

I wonder if they were worried about copyright infringement...