Thursday, November 18, 2004

Oh, Lympics!

NY Times has as a description of the final bid to get the Olympics to NYC in 2012. Included with this is a very slow loading infographic, showing you where each of the new buildings would go, where the events would be, etc.

Turns out, the Olympic Village is close to where I live. Here's a picture (I live in a big red X, village is everything exc ept my building and the building with the smokestacks):

There's nothing I'd like more than to take the ONE SUBWAY IN THE AREA to work with forty thousand extra people each morning. Also, I'd love there to be non-stop construction for the next eight years. Thank you, NYC2012 committee!

Also, funny story, in reality there's a building next door to mine, called Riverview, between my building and the smokestacks. I guess part of the plan is to destroy that building by 2012? If so, good. The Riverview guys are total pricks.


christopher said...

Also, noticeably absent from these plans is the NEWTON CREEK SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT directly south in Greenpoint.

I lived about a quarter mile away from the Newton facility last year, and I can't imagine the potential Olympic Village folk would be spared of its powerful scentacular presence.

Ah, I miss thee.

Geoffrey said...

I wonder if Alex was home the day that picture was taken. Because if so, he might comprise a faction of a pixel through his tiny, tiny window.