Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Beautiful Desolation

Wanna hear something both interesting and boring?

Scientists are proposing space-parks on Mars.

I don't think they're actually calling them space-parks. But hey, that doesn't mean they shouldn't. Anyway, I guess there's something to be said for thinking ahead. Here are three interesting/boring facts I discovered while reading the article:

1) The 1967 Outer Space Treaty opened up space for exploration by all states and allowed for free access to all areas of celestial bodies. (Because apparently, we own space.)

2) Few countries have ratified the 1979 Moon Agreement, which sought to regulate the exploration and exploitation of natural resources found on celestial bodies. (How could people not support something called the Moon Agreement? Dumbass spacexploiters.)

3) We need to invent a word for a piece of information that is both interesting and boring. My suggestion? Interrobang.