Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Force Be With You

So I'm sure some of you have seen this (or at least heard of this), but in 1978, there was a notoriously terrible "Star Wars Holiday Special" on TV. George Lucas has famously barred it from ever seeing the light of day, so there is instead a thriving trade of bootleg videos in circulation, from which this highlight reel is drawn. I'd only ever heard about this before, but it's all there, and it's all bad. It concerns Han & Chewbacca going back to Chewie's home planet of Kashyyyk to celebrate "Life Day," which apparently is celebrated by walking into a star and listening to Carrie Fisher sing.

Must be seen to be believed.


Alex said...

That was actively painful to watch. Thank you, Stefan, for ruining Christmas. AGAIN.

Stefan said...

That's what I'm here for!

At least according to my family.

Geoffrey said...


That was horrible, I'm never watching it again.

christopher said...

Hey, that's interesting. I've looked at this entry a couple of times now, checking back for comments, etc... but this is the first time I noticed the title:

"Merry Force Be With Be You"

There are two Be's in there, and I didn't even notice it until just now. (Sorry Stef, not knockin' your grammatical ability or anything.) It's like that mind-trick where they stack the words of a sentence into a pyramid shape and there are two THE's written in it, but because of the placement, your mind only reads one of the THE's.

And now THE doesn't mean anything anymore at all. Hooray.

Stefan said...

Okay, not to just entirely negate your comment, Chris, but I just had to fix the headline because it was bothering me how STUPID that looked.

christopher said...

Great. Now I'm the crazy one.