Friday, December 03, 2004

Showering off the year?

So while I have a break in work, here's my little philosophical entry for today, my 24th birthday:

The last significant thing I did in my 23rd year was take a very long shower, from 11:30 to about 11:50 last night. It was a long day, I had a little migraine going, it just seemed like a good idea. Little did I realize the fully awesome and reflective experience this would turn out to be. I recommend taking a long shower on the onset of birthday to everyone. Apparently, my girlfriend, the lovely Jane, has been doing this for the last five years. And with good reason.

At the risk of sounding even cheesier than I already have, it really felt like I washed off the entire year that had just passed. I thought about where I was a year ago and where I am now, and it's pretty amazing. Also, I just came home yesterday with the finished product of about 6 months of painstaking effort: my new 6-song EP, which I hope to be packaging and distributing real soon. Making a record has been a goal of mine for about three years now, and I remember thinking about how much I wanted to achieve tha goal last year. Now, I actually have something I can hold in my hand and say, "I made this." And that's really exciting. Not to mention the multitude of ridiculously exciting things that have been happening with this group. Can't wait to see where we'll all be next year.

OK, I can't sustain this earnest tone any longer, but I just wanted to express a little joy and excitement about the future.

Sincerest yahoos and hoorays,



Alex said...

Just wanted to let everyone know I restrained myself from making a masturbation joke regarding this post.

Happy Birthday, Jeff!

Jeff said...

Look, dude, no one's saying that I didn't totally wrench it a few times while I was in the shower.

...wrench it? sorry.

christopher said...

Ha. "Wrench it."

Happy Birthday, Muscleman.