Monday, December 13, 2004

Tivo Hack

By the way, this is pretty cool, for anyone deciding between Replay TV/Tivo. One of the cool features of Replay is a 30 second skip button, which means you can get exactly past commercials in about five seconds. Tivo doesn't have this. What it DOES have is a useless button on the remote that let's you skip right to the end of a program.

However, the New York Times has this to say:

Of course, faithful readers know that you can also add a 30-second skip button to the TiVo, too. Press the following buttons on the remote: Select, Play, Select, 3, 0, Select. Now your Advance button is a 30-second skip button. Press the same sequence again to turn off this feature. (Note to readers who reported that this trick doesn't work: You have to do it during playback of a show, not during live TV.)

I tried this over the weekend, and it works FANTASTICALLY. I love Tivo.

And while they're giving out commercials, maybe if Tivo needs a spokesperson... Or something... I mean, I'm available...




Alex said...

Just to clarify, I actually have a mild cough.