Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Celebrity Look-Not-A-Likes

Okay. I LOVE celebrity look-a-like sites - you can browse for hours, checking out people who look vaguely like celebrities you know and love. Some of them are pretty good, others are only passable because they're wearing heavy makeup/lots of costumes. It's also fun to imagine what possible occasion you would have to hire a Michael Bolton look-a-like. But the best part is finding people who are so fucking terrible that you don't even understand what the hell they're doing hiring themselves out. Case in point: a so-called Dr. Evil look-a-like.

Seriously, people. Not even close. Huh?


Stefan said...

Oh yes. Much like Dr. Evil was Asian.

Alex said...

Oh crap! I think it was THIS guy who saw our show. I did think it was weird that Robin Williams was holding three phones when he said hello...