Friday, January 21, 2005

Food Museum!

We're currently in a food museum!

I actually don't think there could be anything nerdier than blogging from a food museum, but we're currently hanging out in COPIA, the world's largest food museum in Napa, CA.

Its awesome, actually... They have atons of fun food exhibits, a free wine tasting, tow world class restaurants, and a 3 acre herb garden.

Anyway, back to the nerdiness... We'll be checking out shows in San Fran tonight, and then performing Saturday at Sunday at 8pm, at the Eureka Theatre. Check out the link to the right, or our website for more info.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure which is more nerdy, to blog from the food museum or to go to one (and be excited about it). But I do know that I am very jealous you get to see Bruce McCulloch. I always thought he was the Davy Jones of the Kids in the Hall--I mean at least in drag. Luckies.

Anonymous said...

Were you as madcap and zany as the Monkees were when they went to COPIA?