Friday, May 06, 2005

Corporal Intangibility

When technology finally reaches the point where corporal intangibility is accessible to everyone, the greatest application will definitely be the new phase-through dog leashes. This way, owners won’t get so frustrated when their dogs unknowingly walk on the other side of a tree and the leash gets all caught and stuck. Instead, with a press if the CI-Enabling-Button, the leash will just phase through the solid tree, and both dog and master can continue on their happy dog-walking way. No more wasteful backtracking and unnecessary canine abuse! One step closer to tecno-utopia!

The phase-through soccer balls will be cool too.


Anonymous said...

jeez, a kitty pryde themed post right next to a time-travel themed post...what is this, "days of future past" day?


Geoffrey said...

I'm more interested in this Corporal Intangibility. What are his hopes? His dreams? Why can't he finally get that promotion beyond Corporal? No one can quite put a finger on it.

I wonder if anyone is actually gonna read this comment.

christopher said...

Corporal Intangibility is actually quite the capable leader. Unfortunately, it's Seargeant Shoots-Fireballs-With-His-Eyes that's been stalling his advancement.