Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Alas, November... will be missed.

At least you will die with the knowledge that November Rain is wildly superior to A Long December.

Though in the interest of fairness, I like A Long December.

Month chart, best to worst:
1) October (OK, OK, it's better than September)
2) September
3) November
4) December
5) May
6) June
7) April
8) July
9) March
10) January
11) August
12) February


Anonymous said...

You put August at 11?! What's the matter with you? August is for tank tops and lovin'!
PS - I'm a summer person. I would understand your list if I enjoyed crisp weather, I guess.
PPS - I put December around last - even though my birthday is in December.
PPPS - Jerf and I have the same birthday this Saturday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERF!!
PPPPS - I didn't mean to come down so hard on you.

Geoffrey said...

May is a rumor of a cruel joke.

August is hell in NYC.

I stand by my list.

PPPPS That's OK!

WordsSayNothing said...

January beats February because February is generally the more blizzard-prone month. And given that I don't get snow days like I used to, yeah, I agree, February sucks.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, Jordi, that's awesome!!

Together, we rock! for the subject of this post, I generally don't play favorites because I'm unreasonbly afraid of offending someone. Not like anyone would (or rather, should) get mad about me liking some month, color, or food more than them, but I worry about these things because, well, someone has to.


Hoo boy, late night. Ninja Xmas gonna knock you out.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let Jeff know that I am offended by his unwillingness to take sides. VERY OFFENDED!

Alex said...

Jeff. February is a wonderful month filled with Valentines and love.

And love is amazing!

I'd rank it number one, except that October has Halloween, and if there's one thing better than love, its abject terror.

Chris Serico said...

October used to be my favorite month -- y'know, my birthday and nice weather and all that -- and then this October's eight consecutive days of rain resulted in sparse birthday party showing at rooftop bar. Zorf*.

October, you've been bumped to No. 2. June's my new No. 1 because of those days that are 75 to 80 degrees with a chance of awesome.

Last place: January (too much snow + too cold + no sunlight + no love holidays = very unhappy Christopher S.)

(Zorf, a lame rip-off of Fneh, ©2005 Varsity Basketweaving Productions.)

Anonymous said...

Goddamn, this made me really think of how eff terrible March is upstate. Fuck. You know? No foliage, ground still usually frozen, where not frozen, mud, the deer are still ghost-grey except now really thin and sad and skittish, everyone's pissed, no decorations of anything, still sometimes face-pain cold, otherwise desultory swampy-jeans half-heat, sometimes bugs (!) what a damn sopping train wreck. I imagine the first planet we terraform will end up kind of mostly working but not 100% in an upstate New York March way.

Then of course the second one we'll get way too ecstatically, Disneyland / New Zealand awesome and it'll be kind of too much, then we'll hopefully settle down into like an Outer Banks / coastal Oregon kind of setup, more charismatic megafauna.

Probably some sort of boring forests end up a requirement for the atmosphere. Also I wish the snowsnakes were more negotiable than they are.