Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Guess Who's Back?

Cowboy & Caveman are back.

Yup. Its apropos of nothing, but I found it on my hard drive, and it made me wistful. So this gem from the "Boatship" is back on our video page for good.

Until our website crashes again.


Geoffrey said...

My personal favorite part of this one is after Jeff the Cowboy indicates it's time to go, Stefan the Caveman goes through five distinct emotions:

1) Frustration
2) Understanding
3) Forlornness
4) Nostalgia
5) Acceptance

Admittedly, nostalgia is a stretch.

Anonymous said...

Not a stretch at all. I can definitely see the flash of nostalgia. Through it all Stefan shows the stuff of great acting. Or is it psychosis?

Chris Serico said...

I also like how the seemingly pleasant video ends with the lyrics "And everything that lives will someday die" and a harsh music cut-off.

As a result, my two distinct emotions watching this short film:

1) Happy
2) Disturbed

Admittedly, happy is a stretch.

Alex said...

Chris... For a brief moment, I thought you had hopped into my brain.

I was telling everybody last night how I really wanted to put a title card at the end, in black letters that said, "Five Days Later They Both Died."

But, as it turns out, I had already put that on there, at least in audio form.