Thursday, December 01, 2005

Name It...We Got It

If you should happen to drive through Brooklyn, you will come across a series of signs ranging from generic to bizarre. These are the "Welcome To Brooklyn" signs.

Some of them are pretty straight-forward, like "Home to Everyone Everwhere!" and "Like No Other Place In the World!" Nice and normal, could refer to anywhere. Then there's "Fuhgeddaboudit," which is silly but pretty clearly Brooklyn.

Then there's "Name It...We Got It." I don't get this sign at all.

Is it a reference, like "How Sweet It Is!" is a reference to the Honeymooners? A quick google search seemed to indicate it was not. Is it 100% generic, like the "Not Just a Borough, An Experience" one? Maybe, but it just doesn't feel like it. Is it just viciously stupid, like "Believe The Hype?"

And why is it so sullen? Why no exclamation point to indicate any emotion? Why the thoughtful ellipsis? Why aren't they happier that they have anything you can name?

It feels like I'm being left out. It's like the entire borough has an inside joke that everyone in Brooklyn is in on and they're laughing at me cuz I don't get it but I'm not mad that I don't get it, I'm mad that they're laughing at me.

It is clear I have given this sign too much thought. As a defense mechanism, Chris and I make fun of this sign constantly.

Ah well. At least it's not "Oy Vey."


Anonymous said...

Picture a greasy wop saying 'ehhhhhhh what do you want? eh? You name it, we got it.'

that do anything for you?

thats where it's from.

My uncle was that greasy wop.

Chris Serico said...

Elephant Larry's Group Blog: Name It... We Got It Since 1682.