Saturday, December 10, 2005

Weekend Blogging

I have heard complaints that Elephant Larry's Group Blog does not have enough posting on the weekends for their taste. And even though that person is visiting family in Bellingham, WA for the weekend, this one goes out to him:

Last night, walking home at 3:30am from Chinatown I happened upon an air conditioner on the curb (which is pretty short-sighted...granted, it's cold, but I bet that'll come in handy in a few months. Anyway).

Upon said air conditioner was a strange, chunky, colorful substance that barely even registered with me as I walked past it. A few feet further on, there was a fish head on the floor. Retroactively I realized that the strange, chunky, colorful substance was a gutted fish, seemingly ripped apart by hand on the side of the road.

I'm gonna go get some lunch.


WordsSayNothing said...

Stop it, you're making me hungry.

Anonymous said...

I've always hated that there are people who eat fish who consider themselves vegetarians. THEY ARE NOT.

That's my contribution to the topic of fish.