Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Grizzly Man


I did NOT like Grizzly Man.

It WISHES it was fneh.

Not recommended. Unelss you're everyone else in the world. Then you'll like it, apparently.

But I didn't.



Anonymous said...

Oh man, I LOVED that movie. Scattered thoughts:

1. Wener Herzog (narrator / director) is a supernatural force. Recently, Joaquin Phoenix flipped his car and was sort of dazed in the wreckage. He heard a distinctive voice outside - "Are you all right?" "Yes....Yes, I'm OK..." "Your airbag has deployed. The authorities are on their way." "Thank you. Is that Werner Herzog?" "Yes it is." *disappears*

Earlier this week, Herzog was shot by a sniper with an air gun during an interview. He recommended they decamp to another location, where he continued the interview while bleeding, and eprecating the caliber of the weapon involved.

2. I love the guy going into the Federally protected national park with 35,000 bears in it and claiming he was the only thing keeping them alive. And the only "poachers" he encountered in 13 years being some fat guys "armed" with pepper spray and periodically throwing rocks at the bears.

3. Molly's imitation was the best - standing outside the theater exclaiming "only I protect and understand these skyscrapers. Without me, they would be gone. And we truly care for each other."

4. I love his description of his relationship with women.

5. My ex-roommate provided me with a helpful term of art to describe his crazy person speech patterns, which I encounter a lot among patients - "pressured speech."

6. The post-film diary where his friend reveals that when she got his stuff shipped back to her, every single coat and layer had a comb and mirror in it.

7. His friend that he met working at a Medieval Times restaurant.

8. The relationship he had with the bear poop.

9. The fact that the coroner was also not at all together, and the carefully rehearsed but still wooden and bad "tough guy" monologue of his third-rate actor friend.

10. His ranting to a sleeping Arctic fox (named after himself) about his poor performance on the Rosie O'Donnell Show. Let's prepare a list of things that don't matter to an Arctic fox.

11. The bear's equitable and forseeable exchange of 13 years of mental and emotional therapy in exchange for eating you. Molly again: "I think the time has come for him. It will be good for him to die and feed us. And an honorable death for you, too, old one." "I Accept this mission."

12. The fact that this guy dedicated his life to "saving" bears, and in reality his net lifetime scorecard ended up being -2 people and -1 bear.

13. This didn't happen, but how great would it have been if the closing credits were a slow montage of him walking into the distance under a choked-up Storytellers-style acoustic version of "Sittin' On a Bear."

Loved it.

Geoffrey said...

At the risk of the the appearance of backpedaling, I will say this: every time Timothy Treadwell was on camera, it was fascinating.

Every time Werner Herzog was talking, I wanted to shoot myself in the face.

2 stars on NetFlix.