Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Boston Legal

Does anyone watch Boston Legal? If you do, can you explain to me how they get away with William Shatner's character saying things like:

"I'm tired of my Alzheimer's being a story point."


"There you are. I've hardly seen you this episode!"

Which, mind you, is hilarious. But also the most meta thing I've ever heard of a television show doing.


Alex said...

Yeah, sort of... Like the SOBs episode of Arrested, and plenty of Buffy stuff ("Dawn's in trouble again? Must be Tuesday.")

But actually having a character aware that they're in a television series? That's another level, I think.

Anonymous said...

Completely insane show...love it! I agree about the show being on another level, especially with the subtle Star Trek analogies that William Shatner throws out, like, "...What am I going to do, beam to Boston every morning?", or when he opens his cell phone and you hear the sound of a Tricorder...CLASSIC!