Thursday, April 06, 2006


I think I was pursued homosexually for the first time in my life this past Sunday.

Evidence for:
-randomly struck up a conversation
-kept talking to me even though I kept trying to read my magazine
-asked me if I had a girlfriend
-asked me for my phone number
-asked me if I wanted to hang out this Thursday (today)
-was British (no, no, no, I'm kidding. Actually if there was a category of "Traits That Could Possibly Make Me Interested Even Though I'm Not Gay," it would go there.)

Evidence against:
-has a girlfriend
-had been waiting an hour for the ferry, was possibly bored
-possibly just a nice person

Let this be a lesson though: For better or worse, if you are nice to me, I will think you're gay.


Anonymous said...

Oh, it wasn't the first time you were hit on by a guy, Geoff. It's just the first time you noticed. *wink*

Anonymous said...

Oh, it wasn't the first time you were hit on by a guy, Geoff. It's just the first time you noticed. *wink*

Geoffrey said...

I choose you, lower-case ted!

Upper-case Ted is such a cuh-reep.