Friday, October 06, 2006


The main character of NBC's new hit(?) series "Kidnapped" is actually named Knapp. That is beyond stupid.

That's like if the main character of "Friday Night Lights" was named Frinily, or Matthew Perry's character in "Studio 60" was Udio VI, or, in a more blatant case, if one of the main characters of "Heroes" was named Hiro.

Oh wait. That last one is true.*

As I'm sure you've figured out by now, this blogpost was paid for by NBC.

*that last one actually doesn't bother me for two reasons:
1. It's far more blatant, and as a result more subtle
2. I really wanna see "Heroes." I've seen "Kidnapped" and it sucks.


Anonymous said...

kidnapped has been kidnancelled.

who had it in the death pool?!

Stefan said...

Cancelled? But it's filming across the street from me RIGHT NOW. Whhhhhhhaaaaaa?

Alex said...

Yeah, cancelled. The reason it's filming is because they'll finish off the first 13 episodes, and NBC has said they'll still broadcast 'em.

-Serious Television Guy

K said...

Smith is pretty good, and if you change the chorus of "My Sharona" to "Ray Liotta" and sing it to yourself over and over during commerical breaks, you can really make an evening out of it.

Anonymous said...

I always felt the same way about "Becker".

Anonymous said...

I can NOT stop giggling at "My Sharona / Ray Liotta"! That is going to make me giggle all day.
"Raaay Liotta!"

Chris Serico said...

Two other suggestions for Ray Liotta/My Sharona supplementation:

1. Mike Shinoda (of Linkin Park fame)

2. Ricky Shroeder (of Silver Spoons fame)

K said...

3. Abe Vigoda works pretty well, too.

In all seriousness, do not let this excellent joke overshadow the fact that Smith is actually not bad. It makes my motor run, my motor run.

Geoffrey said...

Hey everyone! Just wanted to see who's available for my new Replace My Sharona With Celebrity Names Club! We're meeting Tuesdays at 10/9 Central. Hope you can make it!

Anonymous said...

AAAAAAAAAAAND Smith just got cancelled.

Good thing you guys made those jokes now, cuz in a few months nobody would get them.

K said...

But the club's still gonna meet, right?! RIGHT?
