Tuesday, February 27, 2007

So Here's A Tip

I know y'all may have heard otherwise down on the streets or up on the message boards or wherever, but seriously: next time you're hanging out with your comedy buddies and smearing fake blood all over your body in hopes of filming a realistically violent but funny video, PLEASE be careful not to get said fake blood in or around your underarm area. 'Cause if you do, and you're an extra manly dude like me, all that fake blood's probably gonna get all up in your manly-dude armpit hair. And if that happens, apparently it's just gonna get all sticky and gross until somehow, even though you wash it really thoroughly, it gets strangely irritated and stupidly painful, and then the next day all you can think about is how much you wish you hadn't gotten fake blood in your underarm area.

So yeah. Future reference, y'all.


Anonymous said...

you guys still make videos?!

(oh snap)

Alex said...

Four posts down, dude.

Anonymous said...

At least it wasn't in your pubes.

Anonymous said...

well, your non-public-pubics, specifically