Monday, November 12, 2007

Chris Loves His Phone (DON'T CALL IT A PHONE)

Our friends at Olde English were nice enough to post up a bunch of commercials starring our very own Christopher Principe!

The spots aired as part of Friday Night Stand-Up on Comedy Central, and you can view the ones with Chris here and here.

The spots also star Adam and Raphael from Olde English, and Sara from Harvard Sailing Team, shilling for the new Helio phone, which is NOT A PHONE.

Anyway, the spots are funny, so go check 'em out.


Anonymous said...

Dem links broke, yo. They both go to the same movie, different filenames. And if you ask for a directory listing, they get all auto-snippy.

Alex said...

Aha! You see, as they are commercials, they start almost the same way, but then become different.

That is how commercials work.