Thursday, January 10, 2008

This Post is NSFW, OR Andrew Dice Clay Works Out His Comeback Comedy Routine

- An apple a day keeps the doctor sucking my dick!

- Hickory Dickory Dock, suck my dick!

- If a tree falls in the forest, who's going to suck my dick?

- What is the sound of one dick being sucked? Suck my dick!

- Hey, anybody want to suck my dick?

- Hey you, could you please suck my dick? I really need someone to suck my dick.

- What about you? No? Okay, I guess I'll suck my OWN dick.

- I can't do it.


- Someone push my head down a bit, okay?

- Ow, no, that hurts. OW.

- Okay, I definitely can't do it. Wait, one more try.

- Nope.

- This sucks.

- My dick! It sucks my dick!

- Suck my dick!

- So, what's the deal with these airline peanuts? Do they suck my dick, or what?