Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Oh the memories...

Nintendo Power was the first magazine I ever subscribed to. I would wait and wait and wait for it to arrive every month. And upon seeing all the old covers just now, I instantly remembered every single weird claymation figure. So weird. And man, issue #3 looks so lame.

Also found this cool little walkthrough of the very first issue. Remember that stupid "Powerline to the Pros" ad? That was like my dream job: Nintendo Pro. Fuck astronauts.

For the record, I think I made it up to issue #35 or so. I don't really recognize the covers after that. Must be when I started liking sports and girls and popularity. Oh wait no, that wasn't me.


Geoffrey said...

I remember from about Issue 20 to Issue 60, which strangely enough roughly corresponds with the amount of time I spent in middle school.

I was in love with Issue 20. I read that baby about a million times over the course of those three years. I know more about Mega Man III, the Immortal and Deja Vu than anyone I know.

Plus, that commercial is awesome.