Friday, January 07, 2005

These Cheerios are Driving Me Crazy

It's not a witty title. I really think I'm going crazy because I can't stop smelling Cheerios.

And I don't mean I keep succumbing to some irresistable urge to sniff the handful of Cheerios I carry around in my pockets all day. I mean I've been smelling the scent of Cheerios for the last 12 hours or so.

I can smell it right now.

I'm sure there's some rational explanation. I admit that I eat way too many bowls of cereal, way too often, and recently the cereal of choice has been Cheerios.

This morning for breakfast? Cheerios. And last night before I went to bed: bedtime Cheeriosnack. But I didn't spill them on my clothes or person or anything. And I don't think I have crushed Cheerios on the bottom of my sneakers either. I freaking checked. I think I had a bowl at like two in the morning a couple of nights ago while reading in bed. Maybe I spilled one or two under the covers and I've been sleeping in Cheerios scent without even realizing it? If you eat too much of something, do you start sweating it or something? If so WHY HASN'T ANYBODY TOLD ME?

Nothing like this has ever happened to me before, though I'm sure this is how craziness works. I'm gonna volunteer to be the new fucking Cheerios mascot. Maybe then I won't feel so crazy and I'll get to drive a racecar. YEAH. Who's crazy now?! VROOOOOOOOOOM!!!


christopher said...

Nevermind! All gone.