Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Its Also Called Brunch

In an effort to save money, I've recently taken to making myself both lunch & dinner, and taking it to work with me. The problems with this are:

- I'm a hungry dude.
- I have no self control.

So I end up having breakfast at 8:30am, lunch at 11am, and dinner around 4pm. Luckily, I haven't gotten too hungry between 4pm and Midnight, which are the rest of my waking hours, but I'm sure that's not far off.

On to our story. Today I brought with me a veggie-meat, pepper jack cheese and honey mustard sandwich for lunch, or so I thought. But when I opened it up, turns out I had, instead, grabbed a peanut butter & pear marmalade sandwich, which is still delicious, but very different than what I expected.

"But that's okay," I thought. "This sandwich will be a nice LunchBridge." Which I realize isn't a word, but my brain totally understood it to mean:

A meal that effectively transitions your senses of taste and smell between the different flavors of breakfast and lunch. It may also occur temporally closer to lunch than breakfast.

That's the point of this post. You can go home now.


Geoffrey said...

Ladies and gentlemen. This is a momentous occassion for Elephant Larry's Group Blog.

This little post. About brunch. WAS POST NUMBER 1000!!!! WOOOHOOO! Happy Millenium!

Congratulations, Alex Zalben!

(How much do people wanna bet Alex knew this?)

Alex said...

I'll bet you $100 I didn't know it. Geoff?

Geoffrey said...

I'll bet $200 you did. Alex?

Alex said...

You're on.

Geoffrey said...

You're supposed to keep going. $300!

Alex said...

Fine. $400.

Geoffrey said...

Now we're talking! $1000.

Get it?

Baz said...


Baz said...

whoops. joke killer. this guy. right here.

Alex said...

No worries baz. $2,000,000.

Geoffrey said...

Firstborns are nice symbolic gestures, but financially they are sinkholes. You give me a firstborn, you better give me the $2,000,000 it'll take to raise it.

Anonymous said...

That $2M is a gross overstatement - that's neglecting all the money your firstborn takes in dancing at the I-94 on-ramp for nickels.
If you fail to plan, you make an ass out of you and me.

Stefan D.