Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday Morning Poll: Bender's Big Score

It's official: someone would like to have sex with Vincent, the dog from Lost. Whoever that is, please fess up in the comments below, so we can ridicule and arrest you.

Anyway, new poll time. In honor of last night's broadcast of Bender's Big Score*, I was wondering what everyone thought? Or, you know, did you watch it?

We had a big viewing party when the DVD came out, and I would say there was... Disappointment. I do think, on comparison, the episodes work better on TV, in their slightly rearranged format, versus the movie. However, they would, in no way, work as separate episodes. Confusing, right?

I'd get into a more detailed review, but I don't want to skew the polling. Let me just end by saying:

"This is not the last you've seen of Barbados Slim. Now goodbye forever!"

*Yes, we ARE a Comedy Central blog.


Jago said...

So, you're saying that the one person that would like to have sex with Vincent is one depraved puppy, but those who'd much rather have a foursome with two girls and a dog aren't worthy of mocking?

I mean, sure, the dog could just watch, but how is that different from having sex with your s.o. in a home with a pet?

On the subject of BBS, I'd say that while I wasn't as big a fan of the movie as a whole, it wasn't quite "We're Boned" territory. However, the writers do need to step it up for the next two. So I didn't vote, as my preference would be somewhere in between.